Turkey Hill, a leading ice cream and beverage maker in Lancaster County, PA, relies on its fleet to deliver products. To update its aging fleet of 80 trucks and 230 trailers, Turkey Hill partnered with Ryder for a full-service lease. Ryder’s solution provided newer, more reliable models with built-in maintenance, allowing Turkey Hill to avoid capital investment and focus on efficiency and sustainability. Ryder also manages the on-site maintenance facility, ensuring fleet reliability, peace of mind for drivers, and timely deliveries to customers. Download the case study to learn more.
Aperçu de la location long terme
Camions poids lourds
Aperçu des Véhicules d'occasion
Camions poids lourds
Aperçu de la location court terme
Aperçu de la location long terme
Aperçu des Véhicules d'occasion
Aperçu de la location court terme