Ryder Used Cars & Pickups for Sale

Car and Pickup Trucks for Sale

Cars & Pickup Trucks

At Ryder, we make it easy to browse used cars and pickup trucks for sale. Our high-quality pre-owned vehicles come in a variety of models from industry-leading manufacturers and are perfect for making quick deliveries in high-traffic areas. We offer Verified and Certified pre-owned pickup trucks and cars that are previously owned by Ryder and thoroughly inspected and maintained by our expert team of technicians to be road-ready and meet the standards of the Department of Transportation (DOT). We also sell used vehicles in As-Is condition. And with flexible financing available, you can find a vehicle that meets your budget. Purchase a used car or pickup from Ryder today.

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Take advantage of these special deals on Ryder Used Trucks

Categories – Certified, Verified, As-Is

Making it fast and easy to find the vehicle you need with the price protection and benefits you want.

Thoroughly Inspected
Extended Warranty Options
DOT Compliant
Flexible Financing
Full Maintenance History
Automatic 30-Day Limited Powertrain Warranty
Vehicles Are Sold As-Is, Without Warranty
Repairs are Required for the Vehicle to be Road Ready and Meet DOT Standards
Valuable Option for Spare Parts
Financing Options Available for Engine Overhaul

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We may use the information you provide to contact you about Ryder System, Inc. We do not share/sell your data. To learn more, view our privacy policy.

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